Monday, April 26, 2010

Last Result = Google Social

Social influence within search results is here. Searching for a name, such as "Jeremy Briggs" will show a social profile as the last result. Searching for a topic, such as "Testimonial" now brings this new type of result up. Try logging into google and checking out this page to explore your social circle:

"You can improve social search results for your friends and contacts by linking to content you have created such as blogs, photos and videos on your Google profile."

Time to start becoming friends with smart people and improving your own friends content.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Content Is King

About two weeks ago I ask my Director of Marketing to submit proposals for activities in 2009 and received back five items: Email Marketing, Blogging, Affiliate Recruiting, Revamp eBay, Write New Product Descriptions.

Three of the four we have done multiple times in the past, one of the four I'm taking care of with this blog, and Affiliate Recruiting is good. When I looked at the cost involved in each of these none of them were projected to pay for themselves in a one year period of time.

Round two I got the following three items: Craigslist, New Product Categories, New Content Sites. Craigslist we know nothing about, we have launched new product categories and new content site in the past and both were wildly successful. After the success instead of reproducing it we focused on redoing all the other things over and over. Focused on tweaking conversions rates. Focused on PPC. All this helps... but for dollars in and dollars out and TRUE VALUE added to the operation nothing beats MAKING NEW WEBSITES while adding some content to existing ones.

Why new websites? They allow you to take what you have already done and multiply it instead of add to it.

What is content? Content is material that appeals specifically to your visitors. Do not have any visitors? No Problem! Start with something like Google Insights ( and search for things that are growing a lot.

Once you find something interesting LEARN about it by using the search engines. See what questions you are left with when you read existing content. See what is missing. This will allow you the opportunity to create FRESH content that people NEED. It can be discouraging to see that millions of sites exist already for a subject, but when you take a closer look you will notice they all just copy one another to fight for search rank - not many really create content.

If you want to see a quick example of people searching for popular content type in the artist and song names from the Billboard top-10 of today, one year ago, and three years ago and compare the results.

If you buy domain names for every idea you have then put your own fresh quality content on at least 25% of them. If you never buy domain names, start. In 2009 I hope to build out no less than 50 new websites.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

What I did before - Why I Blog Now

For a long time I have written my thoughts, ideas, plans, and actions in notebooks. I would hide these notebooks as they contain the roadmap for my success in the future. After ten years and starting multiple successful businesses I've learned that PEOPLE ARE EVERYTHING. Meeting and working with the right partners are all that matters to me now.

The best way to find the best partners is to publish what I write and let new partners find me on the internet - randomly bumping into them is just not going to happen. It is like dating, taking risks and putting yourself out there can help you meet the right person. Contact Me.